Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Home Made Bread

Oh! It feels like Christmas! No, not the kind where you are the mom and you know what everyone is getting, cuz you bought it or made it. But the feeling Christmas gives you when you are totally surprised and it was just what you wanted!!

What the heck am I talking about - you ask? Well, sometime ago, about 1-2 years ago, we had a RS meeting at Laura Scott's home and she taught us how to make bread, the easy way. I went home from that meeting energized to make killer bread. And, what I got was bread that would kill my family. So, I tried again, and again. I had to, I have 600 pounds of wheat in my basement and that is what good Mormon girls do. It was a goal of mine for the past 33 years to bake bread. But after gagging down a couple of bricks - I gave up. I would grind my wheat into cream of wheat and Steve would have to eat it everyday when the famine comes. I assume it would be better than manna that I could pick off my lawn. Right!

Well, I found out that one of the sisters that was at Laura's cooking class didn't give up. She went home and tried and tried and each of her efforts produced a call to Laura's home for added instructions. After a year of making bread every week, she can turn out the most delicious bread anyone has ever eaten, well except for Laura herself.

So encouraged by her success, I had another go at it. Armed with all of the tips and tricks that a year's worth of tweaking from the sister who never stopped trying to bake bread - I made my first loaves of bread. They were good. Not great, I fumbled on a couple of things. I needed practice. So, I did it again: to see if I could duplicate the results and get better, to prove that it could be done. And today it's Christmas!! Oh that feeling of being surprised and getting just what you wanted! I made bread like the best of them!!

Moral of the story: Hey, if I can do it, so can you. Just stop by MeLynda Hicken's home on Sunday and she will give you a taste of her incredible hot bread! Thanks, MeLynda, I couldn't have done it without your great example.

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